Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIY Coffee Cart

            Happy St. Patrick’s week everyone! We are having beautiful weather here in sunny CA and the kids and I are loving it! I can send the rowdy boys outside to wreak havoc in the yard instead of my house. Phew. I am always glad when winter comes to an end! Two energetic boys stuck inside four walls for months of winter starts to wear on me right about now! Thank goodness for days in the 70’s and even warmer days to come. I love spring!
            On to our project of the week…a beautiful coffee cart! The inspiration to build this coffee cart came during the holiday season last year. I was looking for a way to host dinner without having all of my serving dishes covering the table, or all the way over on the counter where you can’t reach them during dinner! When I saw this coffee cart on one of my favorite websites, I knew it had to have a place in my kitchen! The full building plans came from the website Shanty-2-Chic and can be found HERE
            I followed the plans just how they were written out, except for altering the measurements a tad. The depth of the cart was supposed to be 23" but I brought it down to a finished depth of 18”. The original dimentions were waaay too wide for my smaller dining/kitchen and stuck too far off the wall. I took all my measurements then started building! It took me an afternoon to put this together! A longer afternoon, but it was worth it, and lots of fun! One of my favorite things about this coffee cart is its ability to roll around. It is built with locking casters on the bottom to allow for movement during dinner, parties, or tea time. And has the added safety of the locking mechanism to keep boys from rolling it around ALL the time! I finished this baby with Rustoleum dark walnut stain, let it dry for an hour, then distressed the edges a bit to give it more character. Lastly, I attached the locking casters to the bottom and drilled holes for the cup hooks. I used 1.5” cup hooks from Lowes to hang my wider handled coffee mugs from Pier One. The handles fit perfectly in the hooks! I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out! Unfortunately I don’t have any photos of the building process, just of the amazing finale…

        This coffee cart can also double as a bar cart! Which is what the original plans were designed for. It can be changed from a bar cart, to coffee, tea, or an extra surface for those extra dinner serving dishes! Gotta love it! Thanks for letting me share and have a wonderful St. Patties Day week! 



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  2. I love the versatility of this coffee cart!


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